Seán Maguire is a Quality and Service Improvement Leads in the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS). Seán joined the ambulance service in 1990 as a member of the Patient Care Service. He then progressed through the ranks to become a qualified paramedic in 1993. Seán has spent the last 20 years working in the training and education department of NIAS and more recently was the Acting Clinical Training Manager with responsibility for paramedic education before taking this new role.
Throughout his career Seán has been involved in the review and development of education programmes within NIAS and has worked closely with various stakeholders, awarding organisations and professional bodies for the approval and recertification of their programmes. Seán has retained his links with the training and education department as part of a project team that is undertaking a review of education within the service.
As part of the response to the COVID pandemic, Seán was involved with the establishment and management of the NIAS Covid testing team. It was through this work, and with the support of others within the team, that he was introduced to the formal processes that underpin quality improvement. This piqued his interest and he enrolled and completed his Level Two Leading in Safety, Quality & Experience Programme with South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust.
Over his career Seán has developed a network of contacts within ambulance services nationally that will benefit him in his new role. As a new member of the HSCQI Network, Seán is keen to hear what is going on in other organisations and learn from the experiences of others in the network.
Twitter @seanmaguire1612