12 April 2019

“Breaking the Rules for Better Care” was developed and initiated by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Leadership Alliance in 2016 as a way to identify and address health care “rules” that get in the way of high quality care. The Northern Trust signed up to participate in the 2018 “Breaking the Rules” event
The NHSCT AHP Forum agreed to support the IHI Breaking the Rules week across the 7 AHP professions (Dietitians; Occupational Therapists; Orthoptists; Physiotherapists; Podiatrists; Radiographers; Speech and Language Therapists) encouraging staff to participate in a variety of ways.
Preparation for ‘Breaking the Rules for Better Care Week’
- The Trust registered their participation with the IHI
- The Lead for AHPs, Jill Bradley, liaised with the NHSCT IQI team to co-ordinate and promote the AHP activities “Breaking the Rules” (BTR) week.
- Facilitators participated in the IHI world-wide BTR webinar
- An AHP staff information poster was designed and circulated and the Northern Trust communications team promoted the BTR Trust- wide activities on Staffnet and via PC screensavers.
- Staff were informed they could engage in BTR week in a variety of ways: attending a focus group; completing an online response form (anonymously if preferred); contacting the lead for AHPs directly.