27 February 2023Have you got a great idea that you’d like to get £40,000 of funding for ?
Q Exchange offers Q members the chance to develop project ideas...
14 February 2023How to bring energy to improvement work?
On Friday 10 February approximately 200 participants from HSC joined the...
09 February 2023HSCQI Timely Access to Safe Care (TASC) Programme learning session focuses on readiness for scale and spread
HSCQI Timely Access to Safe Care (TASC) Programme learning session focuses...
01 February 2023HSCQI Network encourages teams to enter the Q Exchange in 2023
Q Exchange is a £800,000 collaborative funding programme, supported by the...
01 February 2023Building energy for change and improvement: A workshop with Dr Helen Bevan
HSCQI is delighted to be able host this virtual session ‘...