22 August 2023
Participants of the newest HSCQI Scale and Spread Programme had the opportunity to ‘Connect and Get Ready’ at a recent pre-programme workshop.
This newest HSCQI Scale and Spread Programme, called ‘Delivering Value’ (DV) will support Quality Improvement projects from across the health and social care system, focusing on two priority areas: length of stay in mental health settings and improving discharge for older people. The programme aims to improve care pathways and deliver value for patients, service users and carers associated with these two priorities.
At the workshop, QI project teams from across the HSC Trusts came together to find out more about the programme’s regional significance and how it will enable them to collaborate, develop improvement ideas and share their learning over the next 8 months. During this time, the project teams will take part in regional learning sets, focusing on QI tools and techniques to develop and test their ideas and gather data to evidence improvement. By June 2024, it is hoped that a number of QI projects will have demonstrated significant improvement for service users and will therefore progress into the next stage of the programme to scale and spread improvement across the region.
Anita Rowe, Senior Regional Improvement Advisor, HSCQI who is Project Lead for the Delivering Value Programme, commented after the workshop:
“By the end of June 2024, we aim to have tested and assessed 13 Quality Improvement projects that seek to deliver value for patients, service users and carers and identified those projects with potential for regional scale and spread. I am delighted that teams from all 6 Health and Social Care Trusts will be involved in the Delivering Value programme, which is focused on key priorities for regional improvement. There was a wealth of knowledge and experience in the room at our workshop today and, as one participant said, ‘We all have lots to learn but we are all passionate to see change’. The teams are now setting off to explore more about the issues that may impact on their project, develop a communication plan, engage their stakeholders and make sure they have the right people on their project teams. We are excited about the journey ahead and for the first full learning set on 22 September.”
For more information about the Delivering Programme, please contact Anita Rowe, Senior Regional Improvement Advisor, HSCQI on anita.rowe@hscni.net
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