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HSCQI Hub Update

9 April 2020

HSCQI Hub Update

We hope you and your family are keeping well in these unprecedented times for wider society, our Health and Social Care System and the people who depend on it.

 The HSCQI Hub team members are diverting most of their attentions to supporting frontline clinical work and the wider public health functions of the Public Health Agency.  Please contact us individually or via the if we can offer any support particularly for improvement ideas at this time, and we hope to share some initiatives we are involved in due course.

Please note the Scale Up event scheduled for Wednesday the 25th March at the Titanic Museum has been postponed to Monday the 5th October at the Titanic Museum and will be repurposed as a learning event focused on what we as an HSC system have collectively learned from the COVID-19 challenge.  Ideas for how we capture what we are learning or suggestions for contributions on the day are greatly welcomed at or via your contacts with one of our HSCQI Hub team members.

Best Wishes for the challenging weeks ahead,

The HSCQI Hub team

Sandra, Gerard, Dawn, Tracey, Janet, Levette, Jackie, Mark & Aideen