25 March 2019
An innovative new role has been developed and tested in NHSCT. The “Companion” role which is underpinned by the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) triple aim; creates a safe therapeutic environment with compassionate support for patients’ living with a dementia, delirium or acute confusion, who are being cared for in hospital. The outcomes of this role are based on collaborative working with internal stakeholders, PHA and the voluntary organisations.
The Companion offers one to one patient befriending or provides support into a patient bay. The role has contributed to a reduction in patient falls and distressed behaviours and improves the patient and family experience of a busy unfamiliar care context. As an outcome of a positive service evaluation, all Trusts have secured permanent funding from PHA for introduction of the Companion role regionally. NHSCT Nursing Innovation and Practice Development Team have invited the other Trusts to a sharing event on 7th March 2019 to share their Companion operational guidelines so to embed this valuable role across the region and to maintain role integrity.
Members of the NHSCT Nursing Innovation and Development Team, Maria Loughran- Lead Nurse, Elizabeth Graham- Assistant Director of Nursing, Martina Monaghan – Practice Development Facilitator