22 March 2023
The HSCQI regional Timely Access to Safe Care (TASC) programme continues to gain momentum and with Peter May, Permanent Secretary of Health giving a keynote address to the latest learning session.
Within the TASC programme the six HSC Trusts are engaged in quality improvement projects to improve timely access to safe care. The projects are themed around social care, scheduled and unscheduled care, learning/intellectual disability and mental health.
“All parts of our Health and Social Care Services continue to be under considerable strain. Within this operating environment it is widely recognised that we must all collectively continue to strive to improve access to services. Events like this one and the opportunities for improvement that are under consideration are key on that journey. Of course, there are many actions big and small we need to take as a system to make health and social care more efficient and effective. We all know this.
First, in the here and now, we have to make the best of what we have by increasing our productivity and focusing on efficiency. It is in addressing that challenge that events like today – and the ideas and innovations under considerations – are most helpful.
We must harness and optimise the Quality Improvement enthusiasm, skill and professionalism that we have built up as a network. Working through the HSCQI Alliance will continue to help ensure that we optimise that expertise, and that we continue to align our Improvement endeavours across the system for the benefit of the entire region and all citizens.”
Reflecting on the work underway Clifford Mitchell, Senior Regional Improvement Advisor with HSCQI commented:
“The HSCQI TASC Programme is supporting 21 frontline teams to understand their systems, reduce variation and work collaboratively with regional colleagues to scale and spread best practice.”
If you would like to find out more about the HSCQI TASC Programme, please contact Clifford Mitchell, Senior Regional Improvement Advisor on clifford.mitchell@hscni.net