9 February 2023
HSCQI Timely Access to Safe Care (TASC) Programme learning session focuses on readiness for scale and spread
In the most recent TASC learning session led by HSCQI Senior Improvement Advisors, Anita Rowe and Clifford Mitchell, project teams from across HSC shared thoughts and ideas on system complexity and how to support regional scale and spread.
Anita and Clifford shared that:
“It is widely recognised that access to knowledge is a key factor in supporting the adoption of new ideas. The HSCQI TASC programme aims to support project teams with a structured framework to capture and share valuable knowledge and data at pace, with teams providing peer support to each other in a psychologically safe space.
There are several challenges that project teams will face when it comes to scaling and spreading projects. Scale and spread can add layers of complexity as projects spread across multiple areas. Working collaboratively within TASC is helping us to understand this complexity and support projects that have the potential for scale and spread.”
Ruth Gray, Clinical Lead in Quality Improvement, SEHSCT shared fantastic work in SEHSCT where Eco Mapping is being used to understand system connectivity, system challenges and opportunities for improvement in Domiciliary Care.
Ruth is hoping that by being reflective and inclusive a more person-centred approach for both service users and staff can be developed. Commenting on the work Ruth said:
‘The aim of the ECO Systems Mapping of Domiciliary Care in SEHSCT is to take a systems approach to understanding and articulating the population health needs and Domiciliary Care provision in the area. We partnered with a systems designer to conduct a series of exploratory workshops with over seventy five stakeholders representing service users, independent providers, council planners, commissioners, community and voluntary sector organisations and SEHSCT teams. An ECO Mapping report has been produced which is facilitating a strategic improvement plan of the design and modernisation of Domiciliary Care.’
Within the TASC programme the six HSC Trusts are engaged in quality improvement projects to improve timely access to safe care. The projects are themed around social care, scheduled and unscheduled care, learning/intellectual disability and mental health.
If you would like to find out more about the HSCQI TASC Programme, please contact Clifford Mitchell, Senior Regional Improvement Advisor on clifford.mitchell@hscni.net