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Timely Access to Safe Care (TASC) six shortlisted projects share learning 

15 May 2023

TASC update image


The HSCQI regional Timely Access to Safe Care (TASC) Programme continues to progress.  The six shortlisted projects pitched at the most recent learning session, to an expert panel, aiming to become the projects that are taken forward to scale and spread regionally.

The six shortlisted projects are:

  • Unallocated cases, Children’s Services (South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust)
  • Theatres Utilisation (South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust)
  • Young Peoples’ Partnerships (Southern Health and Social Care Trust)
  • Piloting a Physical Disability, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Assessment Clinic (Southern Health and Social Care Trust)
  • Active Clinical Triage (Northern Health and Social Care Trust)
  • Adult Psychological Services (Western Health and Social Care Trust)


Within the TASC Programme the HSC Trusts are engaged in quality improvement projects to improve timely access to safe care.  The projects are themed around social care, scheduled and unscheduled care, learning/intellectual disability and mental health.

Dr Maria O’Kane, Chief Executive of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust and member of the HSCQI Leadership Alliance, in her welcome address, emphasised the importance of using a quality improvement approach commenting:

“Quality Improvement is not an act but a habit.”

The learning event was attended by the TASC Project Teams from across HSC and other interested stakeholders, all of whom were able to hear the learning and experience shared. The expert panel comprising of Dr Tom Foley, Dr Thomas Monaghan, Dr Caren Walsh were hugely impressed and inspired by the presentations and commented on the extensive QI methodology and data that the teams had demonstrated. The panel recommended which projects should be taken forward regionally at this time. The HSCQI Leadership Alliance will consider the panel’s recommendations shortly and agree the regional plan for scale and spread of the projects.

If you would like to find out more about the HSCQI TASC Programme, please contact Clifford Mitchell, Senior Regional Improvement Advisor on

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Missing from photos – Unallocated cases, Children’s Services (South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust)



Meet the Expert Panel

Dr Caren Walsh is a Belfast GP, Medical Advisor and Lead for QI for the Directorate of Integrated Care, Strategic Planning and Performance Group (SPPG), Department of Health. Follow Karen on Twitter @CarenWalshQI

Dr Tom Foley is a consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in Donegal. He is also the Principal Investigator on the Health Foundation Funded, Learning Healthcare Project at Newcastle University. SHSCT – Young Peoples Partnerships.  Follow Tom on Twitter @johntomfoley64

Dr Thomas Monaghan is a quality improvement practitioner with NHS Scotland working with elective care services to focus on how evidence and quality improvement methods can be used to reduce waiting times.  Follow Thomas on Twitter @TKM_ihub