At NHSCT, the Innovation and Quality Improvement (IQI) team offer staff in-house training on Q2020 Level 1 and Level 2, which is available to all staff, regardless of grade, contract type or time in the organisation.
Level 1 training is offered at Trust induction and can also be accessed through the HSC E-Learning platform. This provides an introduction to Quality Improvement. Click here for more info.
The QI journey then continues into the IQI Level 2 pocket-sized course which is a 4 hour course aiming to provide the tools and considerations a member of staff may need when carrying out a QI project; this is offered on a monthly basis and has proven to be very popular and is accessed through HRPTS. For more information, contact
For Doctors and Dentists in Training, the 4 month Core STEP programme is offered at least once a year and is available to this staff group across all locations. First STEP and STEP Up courses, are not offered, however a number of places on the Safety Quality North programme have been ringfenced for those who would otherwise wish to complete First STEP or STEP Up. For more information contact
The Safety Quality North (SQN) programme was launched in the Northern Trust back in September, 2019. The eight-month long programme equips staff with skills on how best to use Quality Improvement tools and methodology to drive improvements across the organisation.
Over 32 staff have completed the programme, with over 60 staff – the biggest cohort to date – graduating in September, 2022.
The programme has proved to be a huge success across the Trust, with a wide range of improvement projects across most service areas, including podiatry, palliative care, learning disability, continence and dementia.
The programme is now offered to both teams and individuals who want to make improvements across their services and divisions for both service users and staff.
Uniquely, alongside SQN, the Innovation and Quality Improvement Team also offer the Northern Improvers programme for service users. This programme allows teams and individuals to work alongside service users, ensuring meaningful involvement and co-production for all improvement projects. The Northern Improvers programme also allows service users to learn a range of skills in quality improvement.
Cohort 4 of Safety Quality North and the Northern Improvers programme commence in September, 2022. For further information, please get in touch with the team. Email
We also have a training matrix which can be accessed here