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Virtual Visiting

Virtual visiting by phone or tablet is a way of keeping in touch if visiting is restricted because of specific circumstances or visiting in person is not possible for family eg. family living abroad or being cared for at home.

We want families and loved ones to stay connected. We know how important these connections are for the well-being of patients, residents, those receiving care and their families at home.

In recent times we have seen how valuable technology has been in keeping loved ones in touch. Our person-centred virtual visiting approach is enabling those really important conversations to happen between those using health and social care services and the people that matter most to them in their lives.

The information in these resources explains how virtual visiting works, and how virtual visiting can keep connections with family and friends.


The HSCQI Virtual Visiting Group has developed some generic resources to be tested by the Trusts and other stakeholders.

Please see

For emailing or reading onscreen use this version   Virtual Visiting leaflet – Web

For printing off on a officer printer or photocopier please use this version  Virtual Visiting leaflet Oct20 – (A4 folded for print)

A virtual visiting checklist and toolkit for staff, signposting to some of the best practice being used regionally Virtual Visiting Checklist/Toolkit – 1 (


The HSCQI Virtual Visiting Group has developed some resources to be used by Care Homes.

For emailing or reading onscreen use this version Virtual Visiting Care home leaflet – final (print)

For printing off on a officer printer or photocopier please use this version Virtual Visiting Care home leaflet – final (web)

Please see the HSCQI People, Compassion and Connections video which provides an overview of recent learning from Covid19 work undertaken by HSCQI, in relation to the ‘service delivery innovation rebuild work stream’ and includes virtual visiting.

The HSCQI Improvement Hub Contact for Virtual Visiting is Levette Lamb, Senior Improvement Advisor, HSCQI

HSCQI Improvement Hub Contact
